Interested in our services? Apply for our services here. Short-term service is available to those with temporary meal needs. Able to accept meals during the delivery time frameĮach applicant will be assessed by a MOWCTX supportive case manager to ensure that eligibility requirements are met.Without consistent daytime assistance from another person.Unable to easily prepare nutritious meals.To receive Meals on Wheels, individuals must be: To see if you or someone you know may qualify for home delivered meals, check our eligibility list below. Once enrolled in the Meals on Wheels program, case management services are provided to holistically assess each client’s needs, not only in terms of nutrition and meal eligibility, but to determine whether the client may require additional support. Learn more about our meals and see our monthly meal menu.
Our staff nutritionists carefully plan our meals to ensure they meet the nutritional needs of those we serve. Each recipient receives one meal per day during the week and may have an option of receiving supplemental frozen meals for the weekend. Riders may enter the Spa Run on Saturday, 10K run or 5K run or walk. Our Meals on Wheels program is a holistic nutrition program that provides home delivered prepared meals for seniors and adults living with disabilities throughout the Greater Austin area.